"Songs II " Oil on canvas.

Continuing from the last, this painting showcases the beautiful inky black Prussian Green. Upon a base of  permanent green light - the brightness of which has been tempered with a pththalo green light, It undulates between being scrubbed thinly and brushed thickly. As in the last piece - the translucent colour glows through a mesh of heavily applied phthalo blue lines.

Bottom corner composed of thickly brushed broken green earth - standing forward from the dark green. Lines over this demanded turquoise due it's green bias. I like the way the lines are getting sectioned - laid and overlaid, clumping. Base colour is in places becoming just a faint remembrance. Top corner of phthalo green light with lines of broken green earth, echoing from bottom. Again lighter tone maintained against the lush dark green. Just a little bit of the subdued but still bright base glow remains at the edge of the colour areas – very effective nominal use of this strong thin colour. Works well and is a particularly pleasing element in the work.

Another powerful and successful piece; sister to the last. They work well together, but are adequately dissimilar. See them together.

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